1. Fauci Cement Company limited, requires dynamic and experienced
hdMduals for the following vacant post:
Assistant Manager (Planning)
a. BE / 85 (hledtanical)
b. Age: 30 – 40 years.
c. Mh 05 years & above experience in cement ndusUy of managing inventory I
optirilzation. data amlysis, saubny of todinical spares. beats comprehensive & I
compete Job plans. allocabon o! time & opbmzaton of resources for sd)edging I
process and induding costs. Handing inteMal manpmw. super-s. subcontracted I
works & specdie tods. Kiln shut doan planar)g. material manage’Dent. hqanage I
general & sped6c technical documentatim. Follow up & report yearly schedub ot I
stoppages of main equipment.
2. Applications will only be accepted via email
3. Phase do mentbn he post applied lor he ‘Subject Lim ‘ of the email.
4. Phase do not awad any copy of aedenbals with the application.
5. Last date for the submission of apdicatbn is 24 Dec 201 8.