For the project in #Mexico we are looking for the following 2 potions:
1) #Drilling #Superintendent
a. 20+ years of experience in #drilling #under complicated #circumstances in #Deep water and Shallow waters, including 15 years of experience offshore in Africa, Asia or North Sea
b. 15+ years working with major operators
c. All-Round drilling experience
d. Management capabilities
2) #Senior hashtag#Drilling #Engineer a. 15+ years’ experience on international #offshore #drilling, including at least 10 years offshore in #Africa, #Asia or #North Sea
b. 10+ years working with major operators
c. Engineering and well design qualifications
d. Proven track record of all planning and #drilling activities under complicated #circumstances
Candidates, should be proposed to the Client till 17th October.
If you have needed experience or maybe you have colleagues or friends, who can be suitable, please send CV to