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At Jacobs, our focus on building long-term client relationships has helped us become one of the largest and most diverse providers of technical, professional and construction services, including all aspects of architecture, engineering and construction, operations and maintenance, as well as scientific and specialty consulting. Our 77,000+ employees in 400+ locations around the world serve a broad range of companies and organizations, including industrial, commercial, and government clients across multiple markets and geographies.
More than 95 percent of our work is repeat business. We get to know our customers’ businesses intimately, and partner with them to help them achieve their objectives. That commitment to our clients produces consistent cost advantages, profits and growth, allowing us to attract and retain the industry’s top talent. Our strict dedication to safety and uncompromising ethics create a work environment that promotes employee progress and helps generate nearly $11 billion in annual revenue.
We measure the value we bring to clients every day — wherever in the world they may be, in any industry or technical discipline. In fact in 2017 we produced $2.27 billion in client savings through our JacobsValue program, a major accomplishment.
Jacobs leads the global professional services sector delivering solutions for a more connected, sustainable world. With $15 billion in fiscal 2017 revenue when combined with full-year CH2M revenues and a talent force of more than 77,000, Jacobs provides a full spectrum of services including scientific, technical, professional and construction- and program-management for business, industrial, commercial, government and infrastructure sectors.
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Being safe every day on every job site crosses competitive boundaries. Jacobs is proud to sponsor Safety Week, an initiative of more than 40 national and global construction firms that have joined forces with a single aim: to inspire everyone in the industry to be leaders in safety.
During Safety Week, May 7-11, 2018, Jacobs employees worldwide will celebrate this year’s theme of “The Power of Safe Choices”, holding workshops, contests, lunch n’ learns – and even Bollywood dance performances!
Safety Week is a living embodiment of everything that makes our culture great. We hope that whether you’re an employee or prospective employee, a client, subcontractor, competitor, or just an interested member of the public, you’ll join us in participating in Safety Week.
Learn more about our industry’s Safety Week and get ideas for your own Safety Week event.
Join the global safety conversation on LinkedIn.
Post a photo on Jacobs’ Safety Selfies area — share your safety passion at work and at home.
Thank you for helping to celebrate safety!